- On this day in 1990 Alex Salmond defeated Margaret Ewing by 486 votes to 186 to become National Convenor of the Scottish National Party. Born in Linlithgow in 1954, Salmond joined the SNP in 1973, entering the House of Commons in 1987 as member of Parliament for Banff and Buchan. After becoming SNP leader in 1990, he stayed in the post for 10 years. Salmond is credited with improving the credibility of the SNP by projecting a moderate image and presenting the party as a realistic alternative to the Labour Party. Alex Salmond He supported the Labour Government’s proposals for devolution, viewing it as a stepping stone to full independence.
- 1692 Last people hanged for witchcraft (8) in the US, 19 hanged overall, with six other deaths during Salem witch trials
September 22nd 1990 Alex Salmond became National Convenor of the SNP
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