September 25th 1875 John Hughes Bennett pioneer biologist died

Published on 25 September 2023 at 12:35
  • On this day in 1875 John Hughes Bennett, the pioneer microscopist, died. John Hughes Bennett was born in London but obtained his MD at Edinburgh. After studying in Paris and Germany, he returned to Edinburgh in 1841 to lecture on histology and was professor of the Institutes of Medicine there from 1843-1874. He introduced cod liver oil into medical use and gave the first definite description of leukaemia. Today, the John Hughes Bennett Laboratory at the University of Edinburgh carries out research in the field of haematology.
  • On 25th September 1703 Archibald Campbell, 10th Earl and 1st Duke of Argyll, died. One of two commissioners who offered the Scottish Crown to William and Mary, he organised the Massacre of Glencoe when 38 of the MacDonalds were killed when they refused to submit to William III.

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